What do the Standard Poodle Pups Come With?
Pups come with:
Registration Papers (limited)
Potty Training
Chew Toy Conditioned
Grooming Desensitized
Socialized with People & Animals
Dewclaws Removed
Current Vaccines
Preventative Flea Treatment applied
Parasite Prevention given
Temperament Testing
Collar & Leash
Puppy Care Package - including small bag of food, toy with Mom's scent & additional toy.
Pet Insurance - 1 month
Life-time Breeder Support

What is the price of the pups?
$2,000 - $2,500 with limited CKC or AKC registration
Full registration considered at additional cost.

What will I need for my New Puppy?
Puppy Checklist for New Puppy
(Amazon links for your convenience)
___ 2 Large Stainless Steel or Ceramic Bowls (plastic harbors bacteria)
___ Science Diet Puppy food Chicken (Dry & Canned)
___ PawTree Freeze Dried Chicken or Turkey for Training Treats
___ Dog Toothbrush Kit, Dog Dental Chews or Dog Water Additives
___ Nylon collar fitting 2 fingers between neck & collar (adjustable will save you lots)(one will be provided) Do not use a choke chain unless a trainer asks you to, and then only during obedience work. No collar at all if you plan to show. (one will be provided)
___ Metal crate 22” x 25” x 36” (this size will last a life time for most pups)
___ Pet Bed ~ 24” x 36” suggested
___ Puppy Playpen
___ Puppy Gates
___ TOYS, TOYS, TOYS!! -the more toys the better Nylabone, Gumabone, Rope Toys, Kong Toys, Sheepskin Toys, Tennis Balls, Teething Toys and other toys that will not break apart (Never poultry bones, they go thru the puppy like broken glass)
___ Dog Seat Belt
___ Nature’s Miracle
___ Tearless puppy conditioner
___ Slicker brush ~ make sure that you section the coat and comb through to the base of the coat, not just the surface of the hair as mats will develop
___ Wide tooth comb ~ again combing sections and to the base of the coat
___ Electric Clippers, #10 blade, #7 or #5 blade, (#7 or #5 blade to clip the body coat, #10 to shave feet & face - I suggest you get 2-3 of each, and trade out when warm)
___ Kwik Stop styptic powder & Scissor type nail clippers, clip every 2-3 weeks in a no nonsense fashion

How do I housebreak my pup?
Puppy Potty Training
The key to housebreaking is patience & consistency. You would never leave a human baby alone in a room, and a puppy should be no different. The easiest way to potty train is crate training. People, not dogs, have a problem with crate training. We don’t like putting our dogs in cages, but to a dog, it is their own room. In the wild, dogs dig a den to live in. They enjoy their own space, and a place to relax. Make the cage pleasant; put a blanket, toys and maybe a MilkBone also. Since puppies don’t like living in a stinky room, they try not to have “accidents” there.
Puppies will need to potty when ever they wake up, approximately 20 minutes after they eat and approximately 20 minutes after the drink. When the pup first wakes up, after eating or drinking ~ take the pup outside to the designated potty area and tell it to “go potty” or another command of your choice – then stand still. The puppy will smell everything around, but soon it will remember it has to potty. When the puppy relieves itself ~ praise the puppy “Good puppy”, “Good potty” or the like. The sooner the pup understands what you want – the sooner it will be potty trained. For the at least the first month, the pup should either be in the crate or you should be watching the pup at all times. If the pup starts to sniff around, chances are, it needs to potty.
Most puppies will have an accident in the house at one time or another. Catching them in the act is the only way to discipline them. If your pup begins to go, clap your hands loudly and say “NO” in a serious, gruff tone of voice. Use a shaker can if necessary. Pick the puppy up & go to the potty area. Give the command “go potty” and once the puppy has gone, praise it. Do NOT rub their face in their accident, as it will teach them to fear you AND may teach them to eat fecal matter.
How you clean up a puppy accident has an effect on housebreaking. Use Nature’s Miracle or Simple Solution and follow the directions on the bottle. Cleaning the spot with ordinary carpet cleaner will only mask the smell for you, the pup’s keen sense of smell will draw it back to that spot.
One idea for teaching your puppy how to tell you that it needs to go out is to hang a few bells from the door leading to the potty area. Every time you take the puppy out the door, ring the bells vigorously and say “go potty” several times. Take the dog out to go potty and praise it. Most puppies will ring the bells when they need to go out within a few weeks.
While it may sound rather strict, if you stick to keeping the pup in its cage when he is inside and take him out frequently to potty, it will learn to hold it until you take him outside. After a successful week, you may wish to start to increase the boundaries – but, if the pup has an accident, you must start over again – and KNOW that it was because YOU were not attentive enough!
Happy training!

Realistic Expectations for the transition
How long does it take a pup
to adjust to its new home?
Most experts agree to use the 3 day, 3 week, 3 month rule for the time it takes a pup to adjust to a new home.
Three Days - it generally takes a three day period for your pup to adjust to its new environment. In these first few days, you may be faced with multiple signs of anxiety or nervousness. The pup will likely hide away in a comfortable, dark space and avoid eye contact & petting; or may not want to eat much. If you've ever started a new job, or moved to a new home - you should know this feeling of being in an unfamiliar place, new suroundings, new people, new rules.
The first few days the pup trying to figure it all out. Feeding or taking the pup out for a walk could prove to be a challenge during this short period, but it also represents the period in which security settles in. Imagine if you were picked up, locked in a home with strangers - it would take you a few days to figure out where you place is in the home. It is the same for pups.
If these days occur without any major incident, it's a sign you are on the right path.
Three Weeks - This period is mandatory for you to establish a bond and trust relationship between your family and your new pup. Use this period for training, even thought you might feel that all it needs right now is love & cuddles.
It is recommended to use this period to establish house boundries. The pup will learn house rules, feeding patterns, and potty training. The pup may "test" you during this period, be sure that your rules stay constant.
Three Months - The first three months are crucial in building a long-term relationship based on love and rules between you and your new pup. At three months, most dogs know they are "home"
Remember, everything is different for the pup right now. Routines help to make a dog feel safe. Take your time, be patient, and you will have a best friend for life.
3 days 3 weeks 3 months